The last few days were filled with people. Young and old, and very old. Yes the oldest being 96 years' old.

The usual Chinese New Year rounds led us to meet family and friends whom a majority we don't see on the normal days. The most meaningful moment for me this new year up till now - my conversation with this 96 years' old grand aunty. She has lived almost a century and so ready to leave earth. She had been widowed since young and left with an only daughter whose life was robbed away by an air crash when she was still young. It has been a long lonely journey. I am amazed by her strength and alertness. Life is like...hmm, I am still processing her words of sharing.

Forrest Gump in the movie's famous line - "life is like a box of chocolates..."

What is life?
Life seems temporary. Yet it is full of different sort of baggages.
Where does it take us? Why we believe what we believe?

My wise mum always tell me to respect old people for we all will grow old one day too. I always take heed of that. I love hearing their stories. These stories teach. They inspire. Many made me think and reflect. This encounter will cause me to think further. She was also young once and full of dreams, but life took an unforseen turn and...she is still grappling with all these disturbing issues which I pray she will make peace with God and all.

Life is like...
I would like mine to be "like a box of colour pencils" - and the artist, Creator of all, who will colour it as he loves - even if it is black and white...may those who look at it will see the beauty of it and trace to the Artist.
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2 Responses
  1. Gillian Says:

    Wow, I love the new layout, Selina! Enjoyed reading your posts again :>

  2. selina Says:

    Thanks Gillian for dropping by our blogs...I hope I can keep up, it helps me to stay connected with ppl and my own thots.