Where we are right now is an envy of many people. How fortunate life is to others. YES. Indeed it is. A really long holiday of 2 1/2 months. Who has such a privilege? How we came to this point inevitably cause one to marvel at God's deed. Do we deserve it? Are we worthy? This displays the great and deep love of God. Dare I dream of such a blessing? But say all I want, God is waiting to bless if only we dare to dream.
Perhaps I have stop dreaming.....maybe life has caught on so much with "to do list" and the modern culture of "doing more" in all aspects. There is never short of things to do.
Right now, nestled in Dandenong Creek Valley, away from the hustle and bustle of urban life.....sitting on a raised wooden house in Yabby Hill playground, my heart beat in excitement hearing and seeing the display of God's artwork. All my senses are open to the vast green field surrounded by the unadultered woods. The ongoing chirps of the variety of birds - lorikeets, white faced herons and etc are so captivating. It soothes the soul. Connects me to the greatest Artist. By looking at all this beautiful creature and enjoying the nature gives an invitation to the presence of the Creator.
Although it requires a lot of courage to obey God and strength to act to come to this point, certainly the Father has taught us a precious lesson - FAITH.
- selina -