edlina & the lynns
"Mum, you promise..."

It is a common statement I hear from Chrisa at home. Children remembers promises especially this child. She sures remembers details to what she's been promised. We won't make any commitment to her if we know we can't measure up to it. As parents, we know every word spoken to a child needs to be kept lest we break their spirit. There's power in a promise. Unfortunately, our human nature has flaws even in parenting. We need reminders.

God promises us too. He promises life's fullness and abundance when we walk with him closely. That sure gives hope. Life without hope is not worth living. The difference - God doesn't need reminders. He remembers them all.

Just two days ago, I talked to God as if he has senile dementia...that I need to remind him of all he had spoken and promised. Believing in the promises and living it out to see them been fulfilled is quite a different thing. But if as a mum, I ensure I keep those promises to my children, there's no reason why God won't keep his. The Malay saying, "Lelaki pandai membuat seribu janji, tapi satu pun tidak dapat ditepati" (sounds very biaise to the male species) - it reinforces the flaw of humankind. But God is not to be compared because his "goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives" (Psalm 23:6).

Perhaps I lack a good understanding of eternity and a poor vision of heaven that cause me to question his love and promises when the struggles of life overwhelm me. If only I catch a greater glimpse of heaven...

I always admire the apostle Paul who was full of strength, courage and focus; and I want to echo him, "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revelaed in us" (Romans 8:18). Bill Hybels in his bible study said, "when you don't think you can hold on, when you don't think you can go the next step, when you feel like you are drowning...Think of heaven and hold on."

A promise gives hope!
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