edlina & the lynns
This year, 2007 marks a new season for us. It is a year of R.E.S.T. - Rejoice, Enjoy, Sing and Trust in God. It is a call to rest in him. Sounds very easy yet it is the most difficult thing to accomplish in our post-modern generation. Rest?! What does that really mean?

It was at the last quarter of 2005 when we were led to prepare for a new season which will welcome new challenges. The interesting thing about our Maker is, He never reveals the entire plan but He gives us glimpses; which makes the whole journey exciting because surprises are in store in different packages. Our requirement was and still is - obedience. The new challenge ahead will demand courage and faith to launch out.

We always believe spiritual discipline is the vitality towards life's vibrancy. Proverbs 1:7 promises "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge" and declares that "fools despise wisdom and discipline." Spiritual bankruptcy is the curse of post-modernism. Spiritual discipline unlocks the door to true liberation of the inner man. Radical ideas, extraordinary courage and uncompromising obedience breed and brew within the room of the secret place. This is the core of life. There must be an uncluttered space within the self to allow the "deep to call for the deep".

The radical move began with Edward's resignation from RGBC. The stepping away from the demands of pastoral ministry was much needed in order to retreat fully for this season. Such a move would then mean our faith is further being stretched. The financial dependence on God is one training module which is critically essential in the faith journey of any minister.

The call to take a sabbatical year was so clear that we didn't dare disobey though it really challenged our faith, mindset and the norm of society. So here we are embarking on this journey.....already into our fourth month of completely being "jobless". Although it really doesn't sound very nice; at least not in the world's standards. But then again, this begins with the fear of the Lord as the psalmist said, "Fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing." (Ps.34:9-10)
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